Hello! Welcome! Hurray! What am I celebrating and/or being cheerful for? You are here reading this, for a start! And, nothing new except what is quite awesome per se: another week of plentiful neeeew hot submissions for the largest and obviously bestest flickr group
(ever. period. Oh there's more? Fine, but I rest my case) themed around Fellatio. With so many entries every week based on one simple sex act, that you see executed in so many artful ways. Starting with...
Good Gurl (FF), another rather hot photo by Sweet Poison (Zoeeey Valissa), with Nak!
So, now you be good boys and gurls, and go make Fellatious things happen! This post details your suckscapades of various nature: it comes out on Friday, aka the Fellatio day according to flickr memes and all that. It's posted with pics from your weeklong activities tho, just remember to add the picture(s) to the
Dog Star Fellatio Friday group. On Flickr of course! Let's keep this intro short, sweet and not so poisonous, and leeet's enjoy the action! Starting with...(yes again)
Licking his balls.... - Mandy Smith
Not such a Fellatio Friday - Ashlynn Jameson
Mid afternoon delight - Rachel Avro
Snacking - Salathiell
Delicious Mess - Steffy Sissy
Dessert - Casey Diamondfire
Good Girls vs Bad Girls - Chris Lion
Back alley - Liruu
Cream for the night - Pablo Mendez
Eternal and Monkey Friday - Monkey Jacksen
pool side pussy - Zoey Wild
Voyeur Paparazzi - Zolmir (check out the full set here!)
Ball Control - Jewell Infinity
My Kitten...My Love - David Storm
Untitled by Jenn
Brea unable to Speak - Miss Emily, taken from the promo material for
The Krawl, the latest webisode of Intergalactic Sluts! Click and watch! Straight from planet Scrotum!

one shot from a classic by one of the FF originals, The Notorious B.E.N. in "
Morning Wake up BJ"
Well, It's Friday - Laura Richards
The Glory Hole - Emily Pia Mia Moore
After - Jenna Elena
Running break - Jade Doet
Public Displays of Fucking - Rhiannon Tamerlane
s&o-70 - Onyx Marabana
Cumm on the beach - Jimmy Windstorm
Alex Sucks - Alexis Futanari
The series
Monster Cocks of Porn is going strong! This is a snippet from halfway so far, and our wonderful Isa with Travers Slade!

Untitled one by the ever creative Mandi Will
Anna & Larry - Larry Vinaver (check out the
sexy album with her!)
Tasteful desires - Dax Rahl
Ravi insisted................. Sexy Sweetheart..................... I am glad she did................. xoxo - Mike Olson
Men In Black V: The After Party - Igor Romanov
Fellatio Friday with Ms. Britney Fairlady II - Thomas Scott Hawkins
I love camping! - Lenny Arai
photo says it all - Marley Dharma
Garage Girls (2) - Clio Von Longhammer
Kitty got a Chocolate Treat - Marcus Strong
she makes me cum buckets - Citius Green

And I am closing the post with a new one from someone who weekly creates literally a dozen of delicious photos ,
Shemale surprise by
Sandra Palletier. And one from the very prolific and easily recognizable in style
BigD Elcano. This is his
Snapshot_130 . For now!
Okay, we are done for today! Keep making yummy photos, and see you soon!