She said: "You have no idea how much I crave you." Him: "I know exactly how much." Action speaks louder than words. by Vaughan Quan
See? That was quite a mouthful. Okay okay, this joke was so bad I nearly turned into David Caruso writing it. Let me just use this space then to post the reminder slash disclaimer about this post: here we publish fellatio-themed pics taken from the Dog Star Fellatio Friday Flickr group! There's a lot of these, over 10k! It's the largest archive of SL fellatio piccies - and, I might add, all of them are fitting the theme, no spammy unrelated pics padding these numbers. Join the group, see by yourself, but most importantly, contribute with your unique sexy, fun, creative or simply spontaneous photo.

Fellatio Friday- June 28/19 - Ivori Faith

Sweetest Taboo.. - Diana Lorane

TIME TO PLAY - Rachel Swallows (check out her blog!)

tongue games on hairy ass - Jimmy Windstorm

MishMosh - Ali Denali

Greedy Iris_004 - Tyrel Gibbs

Con latte - Sandra Palletier

Ankle Grab 2/2 - Notorious B.E.N. (and more of this awesomeness on his blog!)

Captured and Taken ( 4 of 4) - Morgan Talbot

A Need - Ted Dosei

'Eyeing' Him Up - Romanic Touch

ALL OVER - DJ Chuckie

Always a good girl afterwards...mmmm - Sam Dellaux

Breakfast with cream and chocolate - Samy Saint Claire

mouthy little whore - Angel Reignz

BLACK CUM DUMPSTER_15062019_014 - Cathy Serrari

Random Acts of Sex - 056 - Kayla Whittaker

Cheating Wife - Jenna Elena

Suck It Like A Lollipop - Jesse D. Bernard

Bimbo House 3 - Tori Baker

Cock Drunk - BigD Elcano

Fellatio Friday - Sweet Poison

Fairy tale: Somewhere in the deep forest ... - Koko Tigerauge

going down - Traci Quandry

"Have you been a Good Girl?" - David Storm

Mera and Larry - Larry Vinaver

Beach House - Kain Silverfang


Whimsical oral pleasure - Mitya Dimas

Miss Stormlight & Miss Stormlight (039) - Weer Stand

Ali - Marcus Olodum

At Evi's 24 - Ana Romain from her "A day at Eve's place" set

Creamed TT - Dax Rahl

Two hands are better than one - Eamon O Sullivan

Untitled by Jaffe Varriale

Episode 9.7 by Marcus Strong! 9.7 of what? But of course of BlackStarr- SpaceCowboy of the 25th Century, Marcus' cool retro sci-fi series!

Suck It - Alexis Futanari

And we close with one of Iris Okiddo's delightful photos, this time called "A lull in the storm . . ." , and then Tori Baker's Tori Sucks 3, which is obviously a wrong statement!

That's it for today! Enjoy your weekend!