Ahh those youngsters and their phones!
This is Selfie Stick 1/2 by Notorious B.E.N. (and DO check the whole smutty blog entry!)
Flickr group you say? Yep, we have one, and this blog post is based on the material available there. Join it and submit your photos there. The only limits? For me: I post one picture per person per week, so I wouldn't be able to feature all the great pics by our top 5 contributors not even in another couple of years, and with an average of 80-100 pics new per week in total, man, that's a lot of sausage.
But for you? no limits, submit how many you want: just hey, keep it BJ pics, and human avis (ah the caveats one must have for SL!).

from her Speed Trap photoset ( check it here), Pixie Promiscuous

Lamira Marzeus - Alexis Futanari (album with Lamira here and her huge BJ folder here )

suggestive pics like Good Morning! by new member TJ Caffarelli, always welcome!

Tea For Two - Laura Richards

Afternoon Snack - Addison Summerwind

The Phallusy of In Vino Veritas - April Jestyr

through Charlottexoxoxo, Satisfaction by Erick Photographer

Study Break - Nicko

@ Teqi's Lounge 2/4 - Mylene LeShelle

Fellatio Friday - She Could Not Wait - Cheryl Reddevil

Houston, we have a problem... - Melina Jameson

Fellatio Fri on the train - Logan O'Leary

Pop Sin-Sation -Happy Fellatio Friday - Alexandria Topaz

Is this Safe? - Dax Rahl

The Lovers at Surfers4-Recovered - Luke Fortacos

One treat for two ladies - Mera Firelyte

Palmed off - Aria Horan

Susi 4 - Nestor Feiri

POV Ellen Saint - Ellen Saint

cover of I never did this before. by indefatigable FF king Marcus Strong (here's the album!)

HAM Fixation Satisfied - Kisses Karu

Shai and Jordi - Curty Dovgal

Good Morning Sunshine - Topaz Lemondrop

Mother of Dragons 1 - Rachel Swallows
When she calls you over at midnight - John Stone

Sandra Relaxing - Zoe Willows

Shine bright like a ruby - Sandra Palletier in a breathtaking album

Aquaria, Oliver & Journey - Journey Texan

Master's Whore - Tali Dagger


Camping is fun - Ace Xander

Fellatio Friday? - Gwenivere

our new friend Shell...Francine posing - Sam Dellaux

The wait was worth it. grrrr - Jimmy Windstorm

And to close the post, a glorious entry by Isa Cheviot herself, "Perfect Aim" and one of the pages (page 5) of Alexus Minotaur's comic book stories, "A matter of size". Read it all if you have not!

Hope you enjoyed, and sincerely wish to see you all still here in a year. Wherever life will bring us, this has been a great time , and every week is a blessing to see you hard at work!
Congratulations on this tremendous achievement. What would our Fridays be without our weekly dose. ... Of pictures, yes pictures of blowjobs.
ReplyDeleteThanks so much for all the work that goes into these posts every week and the dedication to get them done.
Wow!! Thanks for including me in such a great collection! Glad to be a part of such a fun and talented group :)